The next night, same thing. He seemed interested, I offered it and he latched again! So weird. Sunday, same thing. He latched once but when I tried to offer it at other times during the day, he wasn't having it.
Yesterday, it was seriously like magic. I have no other explanation for it! I decided to try and get him on the boob for his morning feeding and he took it! It was a little hard cause he didn't seem to be getting enough milk with each feeding (he falls asleep and doesn't always latch well so I have to take him off and put him back on) so he'd fuss and I pretty much fed him from 10am-4pm straight. It sure felt like it anyway! He'd feed, then sleep for 20 minutes, then fuss. He'd feed, be content for 15 minutes then fuss. This went on for hours! At one point I gave him 2 oz of formula from the bottle cause he just didn't seem satisfied. Finally at 4pm, he went to sleep for 2-3 hours. Right when Brian got home! Lucky daddy.
Then I needed a break so I went to yoga at 7:30pm. Brian stayed home with Camden, gave him a bath and put him down. When I got home a little before 9pm, Cam was fussing. He had been bottle fed at 7pm and seemed hungry. So, I took him into his room and offered up the boob. Success, yet again! He then went to sleep. He woke up at 11pm and I breastfed him again. He took the left AND right, no problem! Amazing. He even had too much cause he spit some up at the end of his feeding. Then he went down and slept until 3:45am! Almost 5 hours!
I've pretty much been breastfeeding him at every feeding now. He got one bottle at 7am just because I was too tired to try and my nipples are starting to hurt (yes, TMI. sorry).
It's tough though because I think he's still figuring it out. Same fussiness today -- I pretty much fed him every hour since 9:30am. He FINALLY seemed content at about 1:30pm and has been sleeping since about 2:30pm.
I'm hoping it will just take this week for us both to get used to this new routine (and I'm crossing my fingers that I don't have any additional breastfeeding issues!) and then maybe he'll solely be a breastfed baby moving forward? Ah! I don't wanna jinx it! But Brian and I are just in awe. We have no idea how this happened. Maybe he just needed time to mature and get his sucking organized? I have no clue.
It's magic I tell you, magic.
I'm so happy for you, Allison! It must feel great!
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome! Isn't it nice to not have to be constantly cleaning pumping equipment?
ReplyDeleteI would keep a cool, wet washcloth nearby when I was nursing and use it to wipe the baby's feet or head if they were going to sleep. That way they would get a full feeding.
thanks! but the saga continues...bad latching, maybe not getting enough milk? i'm going to a lacation group next week to see if they can help. one last effort...