1. Will Camden have a misshapen head or a mold of my fingers indented from holding the back of his head so much? It sure seems like it sometimes.
2. How in the world does it work that when his diaper leaks, the front of his outfit is fine but his entire back is soaked? I get that gravity plays a part here, but really...this makes no sense!
3. In that same vain, how do I put Cam's diaper on perfectly so that it won't leak? Diapering is an art. Seriously.
4. Am I feeding Cam too much? Too little? The doc says that if you overfeed he'll just spit it up. But babies spit up all the time. What's normal spit up vs. "you're making me too fat" spit up?
5. Can he tell the difference between breast milk and formula? I would think so, but he sure doesn't seem to care one way or the other...
6. Does pumping burn the same amount of calories as breastfeeding? I sure hope so!
7. Are my knees going to be permanently damaged from all this bouncing of the baby? Either they are weak from me not working out for 7 months or this baby is going to give me major knee problems. Or, I'm just plain old.
8. Will my hands ever stop being swollen? I still cannot put on my wedding ring. :(
9. Does Camden have nightmares? And if so, what are they about? Sometimes he whines or cries out while sleeping for 2-3 seconds but then immediately goes right back to sleep. This is the only explanation I can come up with.
10. Does Cam REALLY know that I'm mommy and Brian's daddy? Everyone will tell you, yes! Of course he does! Sometimes, I'm not convinced.
It's too bad Camden can't talk yet! I'd love to know the answer to some of these.
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