After certain feedings (the 2am one is his favorite!) Cam tends to be a little fussy. His diaper's been changed, he just ate and he's swaddled yet he's crying about something! I think he's tired but is fighting going to sleep. Why do I think this? Cause I take him in to the bathroom, turn on the faucet and within 30 seconds this kid is OUT. He instantly calms down, closes his eyes and goes to sleep. Whether or not he stays asleep after I turn the water off and leave the bathroom is anyone's guess, but more often than not the water at least will calm him down.
Our water bill this month is going to sky rocket! Sometimes I feel so bad running the water for a couple of minutes -- like I'm ruining the planet or something by wasting water. Then I remember, it's not a waste because it keeps Camden and mommy happy. Conservation smonservation!
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