Thursday, October 15, 2009

it's 8:30pm and i hurt.

Every night at 8:30, my entire body hurts. My shoulders, my biceps, my legs, even my hands and fingers -- they ache. I think it's a combination of 'hitting the wall' at 8:30 and also just fatigue from carrying and caring for Cam all day long. But without fail, the aching sets in at night and all I want to do is go to sleep!

Some nights we get lucky and Camden goes to sleep after his 9ish feeding. Assuming we don't have other things to do around the house, we are in bed by 9:30. ha. That cracks me up. I haven't gone to bed at 9:30 since I was in elementary school. But now as a parent, 9:30 sounds late.

Most nights though, there are things to do: pump, clean the dishes, take a shower, watch one of our shows that are piling up in our dvr (this is rare!). So we end up not going to bed until 11:00pm. But by that time, Cam needs to eat again so basically we're not sleeping until midnight.

I'm hoping we can figure out a routine that gets us to bed earlier though. We're trying!

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