Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Yes, I can do this.

Today is the first day that I really felt like a mom. Yesterday and today have been good days in the sense that I feel more in control of my life with baby. Partly, I think my hormones have leveled off, partly I've been talking to my girlfriends more (and have been reassured that they too cried every day with their kids and felt crazy and went though the exact same feelings I'm going through), and I've also been taking a little more time for myself, which is huge.

I'm still tired and it's still hard, but I feel more normal. I'm also pissed at all those moms out there who say things like, "Oh, you'll love every moment!" Really?? That is a load of crap. There is no way that you loved trying to soothe your baby at 2am when you're dead tired and he's crying his little head off. Do you love your child every moment? Yes. But you do NOT love every moment with child. Sometimes you think, "What the heck did I get myself into?" And then you feel guilty about thinking such things. And then you feel like you're a bad mom. And then you cry.

That is the realistic cycle of things. So those moms who keep spreading this lie of "it's all so wonderful!" to unsuspecting moms-to-be...STOP IT! Thank you.

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