Saturday, October 24, 2009

random latching

Both last night and tonight, Camden seemed interested in the boob. So, I gave him the opportunity to latch on the left and he did! He fed for about 15 minutes last night (then was given the bottle cause I'm sure he's not getting all he needs from me. Plus, he was half falling asleep throughout the 15 minutes) and tonight we gave him a bottle and he still seemed hungry so I offered him the boob and he went another 10 minutes. SO RANDOM. No fussing, no fighting, just boom! Latch to the boob.

Both nights after the left feeding, I tried the right side to see what he'd do. He tries to get on it but can't. Partly maybe because he's full, but also I think he just really does not like the right boob. It's harder for him to latch to the right (always has been) so I'm pumping the right side at the moment to even it out. I'm not complaining though cause at least he's going to left once in awhile!

I still don't think he'll solely breastfeed. But I might start offering the boob again at every feeding and see how he reacts. Crazy kid.

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