Thursday, October 22, 2009

hotslings, I think i love you.

A few days ago, Jo gave me this baby carrier sling. Yesterday, I needed to get ready to take Cam out to visit a friend. So, I put him in this sling and did my makeup with him attached to me. Wow, convenient.

Today, he wasn't having the sling for the early part of the day. Rats! Maybe this isn't as great as I thought. But then around 4:30pm I really wanted to cook dinner. He was relatively calm so I tried it again. In he went and what's this? He's pretty content! Started dinner and about a half hour into it, he fell asleep in the sling. Nice.

I cooked an entire dinner with Camden attached to me! I must say, I'm quite pleased with myself and with him. It was an easy meal (stove top chicken...baking so not anything that could splash on the stove), but exponentially more difficult with baby attached to me. But still, I made dinner!

Hostlings, I think I love you.


  1. Awesome! I don't know what I would do without my sling. :-)

  2. it is definitely a gift at times! other times, not so much. but we're working on it. :) your blogs are great, btw!

  3. I would be lost without my Hotslings! He's a cutie.
