Wednesday, October 21, 2009

nope, no sleeping!

Last night, I decided to try something new. While Camden is still too young to "sleep through the night" (apparently, 5 hours straight can be considered sleeping through!) I wanted to see if we could start guiding his schedule a bit. Cam's on a pretty regular 2-3 hour eating schedule but whether or not he sleeps in between those feedings vary. Recently, he's awake more in the day and has been going back to sleep pretty easy after feedings at night. Well, he has for the last 3 nights anyway! (knock on wood)

Consistently though, he wants to sleep after his 6pm feeding and is up after his 9ish. This means we have to stay up with him until around 11pm or so. However, we're tired by 9:30pm so I thought I'd try and break this habit. After I fed him at 6:30 tonight, I decided to keep Camden up. He fussed a little but I kept telling him, "I don't care if you cry. Go ahead! You have to stay up!" And interestingly, that kept him from crying. I sat in front of the computer and played him songs off of itunes. I sang along with them so he could be more engaged to keep him awake.

Then when Brian came home, he got in on the action. Here's a little Temptations in an attempt to keep Camden awake from 7-8pm!

Then, at 8pm we gave Cam a bath. In his sleeper after that, 8:30pm feeding, and off to bed! This kid was dead tired by that time. He fussed a little after feeding but then was out like a light. He woke up to eat again at about 11:30pm and seemed a bit extra fussy with his pre-feed diaper change. Hm. But then went down pretty quick after his feeding.

He then slept from midnight until 3:45am. Still, pretty normal...maybe stretching it a little longer but not too much. Again, more fussy with diaper change but then after feeding went down quick again.

I'll have to see how he is tomorrow. I'm hoping he continues to stay up more during the day and really gets to know day from night. Hopefully this will help him get on a good sleep schedule in the next couple of months! Stay tuned...

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