Monday, February 22, 2010

it's manicure time.

Camden's nails seem to grow like weeds. I hate cutting baby fingernails -- it's so hard! Cam used to scratch his face up a lot so I became vigilant about keeping his nails short. I used to just peel them when he was napping in my arms but now that he sleeps in his crib, I needed to find another way to manicure him efficiently. He's moved up to nail clippers but hates having his nails clipped. It must be irritating and who knows, maybe sometimes it's a little painful? Regardless, it needs to get done!

So, my newest strategy has been to let Cam watch tv while I cut his nails. This is the ONLY time I let Cam watch television cause he's waaay too into the tv. He's always calm when his eyes are on the screen and almost seems hypnotized by the moving pictures. I figure that can't be good for his age. I mean, TV will eventually turn his brain to mush at some point but I definitely shouldn't help that process along.

So when it's time for a manicure, I let him watch whatever show is on PBS Kids. He's too young to know the difference I'm sure, but I've convinced myself that having him watch a "kiddie" show is somehow better than doing his nails during 24. To date, he's watched parts of Dinosaur Train and Sid the Science Kid. Interestingly, these shows aren't half bad. Much easier to take then Barney or something equally annoying.

Tv hypnosis. Great for nail cutting.

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