Wednesday, September 16, 2009

day 4 and still no baby

Yep. I'm still pregnant. Yesterday, I decided to clean the whole house in the hopes that moving around would encourage baby to move on out. I swept and mopped the floors, vacuumed pretty much every room in the house, organized our pantry, dusted, did the laundry and even scrubbed our stove as best I could.

It kept me occupied which is great and at least the house is pretty clean for when baby does arrive, but all that work and still no baby!

Went to a friend's BBQ last night and then out for dessert with Uncle Ponce and crew since it was his birthday. Sorry Ponce, but looks like the little musubi won't be sharing your bday. :( All that activity and baby B is as comfy as ever in the belly.

I'm definitely starting to get more uncomfortable. My hands and feet are more swollen and ache from the extra fluid. It's not excruciating, but not fun either. Sleeping hasn't been any worse than it's always been but I notice that I get more swollen when I sleep so that's just great. More than anything, I'm BORED.

Brian won't let me drive anywhere so I'm trapped in the house all day with nothing to do but wait. There's only so much cleaning, reading and watching tv I can do. I'm considering organizing our CDs today. But that task sounds just as boring as sitting and staring at the walls.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so we'll see what she says about being induced! Friends who have been induced recommend it. I wonder if she'll want me to just keep the baby in longer or what. We shall see...

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