Sunday, September 13, 2009

could it be???

It's 2:40am. Went to bed at around 12:30 but couldn't sleep. Wide awake, in fact. Brian was out in 2 minutes but I just laid there. I tried to go to sleep but the baby was awake and kicking me. I think he had the hiccups, actually. I thought maybe I was just anxious for his arrival, had too many thoughts going through my head and that's why I couldn't catch any zzz's. But somewhere in the back of my mind, I also thought...could this be it?

Our friend Traci said that when she went into labor she woke up at 4am, wide-eyed. She went downstairs to watch some tv and realized that she was having contractions. That story was going through my head as it lay on my pillow unable to settle, but I tried to push it aside. Don't wanna get my hopes up.

Nonetheless, I go downstairs to keep myself occupied until I got tired. Facebook is such a good distraction for such things. My new favorite game to play on FB is Farkle. It's a dice game where you collect points. Started to play, tried to beat my current high score. (which i did, btw!)

1:34am and I notice I'm having a contraction. Nothing unusual, my belly's been tightening for days now. Keep playing Farkle. Shortly after I feel another. Hmmm....check the clock and it's 1:45am.

Okay, keep playing. Another at 1:55am! This is new. Never have my contractions been regular and these seem to be coming 10 minutes apart. No pain, just tightening. I decide to start writing the times down.

2:08, 2:19, 2:30, 2:40, 2:45 and just had one at 2:54am.

There was one in there that was only 5 minutes apart. Interesting.

I've decided I won't wake Brian until I'm sure I'm in labor and my contractions are about 5 minutes apart. No sense he be up for a false alarm.

Could be!! No way I can sleep now. Although perhaps I should try. If it is the real thing, I won't be sleeping for awhile and that could prove to be a problem.

I'll know soon enough if it's real or not!!

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