But back to my pregnancy update. It was probably the most relaxing trip home we've ever had. Pregnancy will do that, I guess. It's a good excuse as to why we can't stay out late or jam pack our schedules like we usually do. Plus, it gave us a chance to spend some QT as a couple. I must admit, it was a refreshing change and I loved it! While on Oahu, Brian and I enjoyed a relaxing week and a half of beach time, sleeping (lots of sleeping!), hanging with friends and family, and of course...eating!!!
I'm not really craving much these days (as in "I need to have it now!"), but I do get into one-track mindedness (mindedness?) about certain foods. Like I really want some fried green tomatoes ever since I re-watched the movie Fried Green Tomatoes. I'm trying to plan a trip to Kingfish Cafe as I type this.
In Hawaii, the four things I sought out were chow fun, shave ice, Waldo's salad and pickled apricots. Now, shave ice is a given. I had it twice. Waldo's salad I also had twice because I heart their salad dressing so much. I could eat it every day. All day, every day. As for the chow fun, I wanted good chow fun like the kind Sun's BBQ used to sell back in the day. Oh, how I loved that chow fun on school field trips! But alas, they no longer exist and have taken with them their delicious chow fun recipe. So, a couple of my friends recommended this place at the Waimalu Shopping Center. Eh, it was okay. Not like Sun's. :(
As for the apricots...I was on a hunt! Do you know how hard it is to find these apricots anymore? They used to just sell them at Long's but apparently they're not a hot item these days. I finally found my first batch at a gas station of all places. You should have seen me when I found it. I gasped out loud, I was so happy.
The crazy prego lady that I am, I saw everything I ate as the first time the baby was eating all of these local favorites. So, I took pictures! I know, I'm such a dork. But here's the oh-so-good but oh-so-bad food the baby experienced in the islands...
matsumoto's shave ice
Chow fun
Lum's bento. The pork cutlet was the best.
Waldo's salad!
Pickled apricots...yumm-o!
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