We had our 18 week ultrasound last Thursday. At first I thought I'd want to be surprised but as the weeks went by I decided thinking of two sets of baby names was too much. (Honestly, this is my only motivation for wanting to know the sex). I have enough to think about! As it turns out, my gut feeling was right anyway. It's a boy!!
The ultrasound tech took a TON of pictures of the baby. Measurements of its skull, length from crown to rump, legs, arms, etc. These ultrasounds take a really long time. She explained to us what we were looking at, which was helpful -- the stomach, the heart, the kidney! All little black spots in the baby's mid section. The spine is really apparent as are arm and leg bones. I love seeing the baby on screen. It gives me peace of mind that all is going okay. At the same time, I sometimes still can't believe a baby is growing inside me.
Brian tried to play it off like he wasn't ecstatic it's a boy. I know he would have been happy if it was a girl too, but c'mon, let's be real here. He is so proud of that Y chromosome and I can already see the wheels of baseball training turning in his head.
Some pics at 18 weeks:

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