Brian carried Cam in the ergo carrier the whole time so he'd stay warm and also somewhat protected from all the people/germs. Cam was up for the first couple of hours and just looked around at all the people, flowers, fish, art, etc. He just took it all in! He didn't seem to mind the cold at all and only fussed once when we ran into some people we knew and were standing still too long. He hates being idle and stopped fussing once we started moving again. We ate lunch at Lowell's and gave him a bottle at the restaurant. He sat in our laps and really seemed to enjoy looking at all the people. I tried to walk him to the window to look outside at the water and cars but he kept turning his head back to the people in the restaurant.
Then it was back in the ergo and we walked the rest of Pike's. He fell asleep for the last hour or so in the ergo. No whining or crying, just fell asleep. Slept through all the noise of Pike's and was such a good baby!
Brian and I are so proud of our little man. And proud of ourselves for a successful trip out! I hope to take him out more from now on. He really seems to enjoy it.