Wednesday, November 18, 2009

introducing the pacifier!

The other week I took Camden to a restaurant for the first time. As my "security blanket" for taking him out in public, I brought along a pacifier. I've never given Cam a pacifier before and am trying to avoid giving it to him too much cause I don't want him to get attached to it. My plan (though we'll see how it works out) is to only give him a paci when we're out and about if he needs it. I just see myself with a screaming baby in a mall or something or in a situation where I can't try 10 different ways to soothe him so a paci sounds like a great thing to have around.

Aunty Jo and I took him to Boston's Pizza. Cam always falls asleep in his car seat so he was snoring when we got there. Took him out in his seat and plopped him next to me in the booth. So far, so good. Maybe he'll sleep through lunch! No such luck. He woke up about 10 minutes in but was really calm. I put the blanket over his seat hoping he'd go back to sleep -- and he did, for another 15-20 minutes. Then he was up and started to fuss. It wasn't time to feed him yet so I decided to try the pacifier to see what happens. Popped it in his mouth and he instantly stopped fussing. Wow. After a minute, I decided to see what would happen if I took it out. Waaahhh!!! Okay, back in.

He really seemed to love that pacifier! Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. :/ I haven't given it to him again since, but then I haven't been out with him too much either. Hoping to keep it as a go-to item in case of emergency only. Maybe I should put it in a glass case to break for dramatic effect.

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