The last couple nights (or wee hours of morning is more like it) Cam has done some impressive "fire hose" peeing. During the first of two "pee oops" changes yesterday, his stream of pee went so high I swear it almost touched the ceiling. Camden wasn't wet at all -- not on his body, his clothes, around him -- and for the life of me, I couldn't figure out where his pee landed at first. I had to call Brian in to investigate while I finished changing Camden's diaper. B looked around and found a spot waaay above Cam's head on the changing pad (thank goodness!) where the pee made a huge wet spot. Some splashes got on the carpet too but most of it landed on the pad. Wow.
The next change, he peed yet again! This time it went to the left in a strong stream and landed smack dab in the middle of the room. It missed the rocking chair ottoman by inches. After finishing changing Cam and then feeding him, I attempted to soak up the pee with a towel. But I think I let the pee sit too long and now looking at the carpet, it's like the white carpet is even whiter in the spots where his pee landed. Almost florescent looking. Does that even come out?
Boys will be boys, I guess. I wonder if Cam is secretly pleased with himself. I must admit, it was quite impressive.
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