1) Sleep. The amount of sleep I get directly correlates to how good of a mommy I am the next day. Period.
2) Working out. You would think that working out would just make me more tired and then see #1 above. But it's the exact opposite, really! Running, yoga, step class...I may hate it while I'm doing it (especially running on the boring treadmill!) but afterward I feel energized. I think because it makes me feel good about me while also giving me a break from baby and then of course, there are those good 'ole endorphins! My wonderful friend, Joanne, has kindly agreed to watch Cam every Tuesday for a couple hours so I can get a workout in. Jo, Camden and mommy thank you!
3) And finally, time with my girlfriends. Although guilt usually sets in (guilt of being away from baby, guilt of wanting time to be Allison with the girls, guilt, guilt, guilt!) a lunch here, a pedicure there, makes a HUGE difference in how good of a mommy I am. Mommies need breaks and need to have time to just be themselves. There's a distinct difference between "mommy to Camden" and "Allison." It's difficult to understand unless you've lived it, but it's definitely true. Your identity is tested and can sometimes feel lost. It's important to have time to find pieces of it now and again!
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