Went to the doc on Thursday and she said I was measuring a little small. Had a ultrasound on Friday to make sure baby is growing okay. I was a little freaked out Thursday night because the doc kept telling me that they only do ultrasounds in the third trimester if something seems abnormal. Great. Shockingly, B wasn't very worried and it turned out to be fine.
They measured the baby's head, thigh, rib cage, cord blood, the amount of amniotic fluid, etc. Everything looks normal although they did say the baby is just on the "smaller side of normal." They approximate he weighs 5 lbs 7 oz right now and estimate he'll weigh 6 lbs 2 oz at birth. That seems a tad light to me, but my doctor says all the numbers look fine and I don't need to do anything different. Still, I find myself searching the house for more things to eat.
The funny thing is, even if the baby is on the smaller side...looks like his head is HUGE! That'll be oh-so-fun when I need to push him out! Right now I'm almost 36 weeks but his head is measuring at 37. His thigh bone is only measuring at 32 weeks though so Brian thinks the baby will be short. hahaha. He was kinda sad about that...that the baby got the "short gene" from him, he says.
We asked the doctor about this and she said, "Well, maybe." So really, that means, yes, your baby will be short. Poor guy. We'll see though...maybe he'll have a growth spurt once he's out of the womb?
All I really care about is that he's healthy and that he STAYS IN for 4 more weeks! We're not ready for him just yet.
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