Started before breakfast. I could feel a headache coming on. I didn't think much of it as I've had a few headaches throughout my pregnancy. Plus, I hadn't eaten yet so I thought maybe it was partly lack of nutrition and the baby was mad.
Get to the only restaurant in Forks (if you're a Twilight fan, you know all about Forks!) that seemed to serve breakfast. Sit down...headache worse. I start rubbing my temples in the hopes that massaging it would make it go away. No such luck. I'm facing the window and the sun streaming in through the pane seems to make it hurt more. I keep lowering my head and covering my eyes. That seems to help a bit so I ask Brian to switch seats with me so my back can face the light that has now become my enemy. A little better but the throbbing is getting worse.
I bust out my crackberry to google whether or not I can take tylenol or ibuprofen while in my third trimester. Apparently, IB is bad for baby. Can cause heart problems for the little guy inside my belly. Tylenol, it seems, is okay. But I immediately think, if ibuprofen is bad, how can tylenol be "good?" So, I start to google pressure points to make headaches go away. Then I start stabbing my left hand in between my thumb and pointer finger to try and hit the right point. I must be doing something wrong because all this does is now make my palm sore.
Food comes and I know something's really wrong when I can't eat all my breakfast. I think, maybe my contacts are making my headache worse (it's happened before). So, I go to the bathroom, scratch them out of my eyes and throw them away with as much force as I can. Like, by doing that I'm magically tossing my headache in the trash as well. Wishful thinking!!
I decide to call the doctor to see if taking tylenol is okay. It's the 4th of July so I leave a message for them to page an on-call doctor to call me back. So, in the meantime I have to suffer.
The Forks parade is about to start and I just can't stand there in the bright sunlight. I ask Ponce if I can sit in his car and rest. While in the car, I google "migraines while pregnant" into my phone and it says migraines are a normal symptom in the third trimester. Caused, yet again, by hormones. Damn hormones.
Brian tries to do the pressure point thing on my hand again and it helps a little. But now I'm starting to feel nauseated. Roll all the windows down, please!! I need air! The loving hubby that Brian is, he walks blocks (remember there's a parade going on so the street is closed) to a gas station to get me water and tylenol. Meanwhile, I decide reclining would be a good idea so I jump in the driver's seat and lean back. Ouch, ouch, ouch. My head HURTS. But eureka! I start to feel myself wanting to drift off to sleep. Sweet! I nap for what I thought was 15 minutes but turns out it was probably more like 45. I remember Brian coming back sometime in the middle of my nap with tylenol but I decide sleep seemed to be helping.
Back to snoozing and finally when I get up, my headache has disappeared! Yay! No tylenol! I'm so proud of myself. Symptom has passed, crisis averted.
But seriously, migraines SUCK. I hope I never have one ever again.
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