Wednesday, July 15, 2009

don't scold the baby!

The little guy in my belly is turning out to be a strong fella. His kicks and rolls and pushing are at an all-time high in terms of intensity -- he wakes me up at night! The pushing is the worst. He pushes outward on my belly and on what feels like my organs, particularly my bladder. It's really uncomfortable and sometimes kinda sore.

Brian and I talk to the baby all the time but since the little man has started to make me so uncomfortable, Brian feels bad for me and tends to tell he baby to "be nice to mommy" and says, "don't do that." While the sentiment is totally cute and I love him for it, I also feel like he's scolding the baby sometimes and I don't like it! So then I have to tell the baby that it's not his fault. That he's just cramped in there and doesn't know he's hurting me.

Don't we sound absolutely crazy? Poor baby. His parents are nutso.

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