Monday, July 27, 2009

hiccup, hiccup

It's happened! The baby had his first hiccuping episode. I've read about this and friends who recently had babies have asked me if I've felt it yet. At the time, I hadn't. But on Thursday Brian and I went to watch the new Harry Potter movie. Toward the end of the movie, I could concentrate on nothing else except the fact that I could feel a rhythmic tapping in the middle of my belly. Tap...tap...tap...tap. Closer together than when the baby just kicks but further apart than when the baby has a burst of what I think is punching or something. But it was the fact that the tapping was on a consistent rhythm for about 5 minutes that makes me sure it was the hiccups!

I think it's kind of cute. But then I also feel a little bad for the guy cause no one likes to have the hiccups. Cute? Sympathize? I'm going with cute.

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