Tired? It's because I'm pregnant. Hungry? It's because I'm pregnant. Bitchy? It's because I'm pregnant! I have recently taken to blaming everything on the pregnancy. Whether every mood swing, yawn or rumbling in my tummy really has anything to do with the pregnancy doesn't matter. I'm blaming the baby. I figure it's only fair...if I have to deal with all these changes to my hormones, body and brain, why not take advantage of it a little?
The other week Brian and I got into an argument and it escalated when it didn't need to. I started crying and he was trying to get me to stop and I told him, "I can't!! I'm pregnant!" Now, would I have cried had I not been pregnant? Maybe. But it sure felt like it was the baby's fault. And it worked. That was the end of the fight and I felt vindicated. :)
I do realize I need to be careful though. Brian's a nice guy but he has limits too. I have to be able to milk this throughout the entire 10 months and I still have about 7 1/2 to go. He's fully aware of my "milking it" plan though. (The great thing about us is we tell each other pretty much everything) So while he may hate it, we've come to agree that as long as I'm somewhat reasonable in my outbursts or requests, he'll just have to deal.
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