Monday, March 15, 2010


Let us all please note the date and forever keep it in our memories. Well, I will anyway. Cam slept through the night for the first time!! Pretty much.

He went down early yesterday cause he missed his afternoon nap. Went to sleep at around 6:30pm. He fussed at around 8pm (who knows why) so I went in and gave him a pacifier. Back to sleep in a second.

I heard him cry at around 2am but it wasn't a big cry. He cried out once and then quieted down. Brian and I usually wait for a few consecutive cries before deciding that yes, he probably needs something and we should drag out butts out of bed. He seemed okay so back to sleep I went. Heard another cry at about 4am. Same thing, a couple of small cries and back to sleep on his own!

Brian got up to go to work at around 5:30am. He asked if he should check on Camden since this is the first night we haven't given him a feeding. I told him I think Cam's fine but if he wants to check on him he can -- just don't wake him up!

So, Brian goes in and I hear Camden make a noise. In my head, I envision Brian rushing out of the room as quickly and quietly as possible for fear of ruining this blissful stretch of him sleeping. I bet it was a funny sight.

Cam finally gets up at around 6:15. I hear him stirring and then he starts really talking, telling me to come get him at 6:30am. I'd say that counts as sleeping through the night, don't you?

Yay, Camden! Now, I just hope he keeps this up!!


  1. That's awesome! That counts as sleeping through the night and then some. It sounds like Cam is learning how to comfort himself back to sleep. -Ese

  2. i need to stop blogging about his sleep successes. i'm jinxing it big time. he did not sleep thru last night! booooo....

  3. and also, it's weird cause he goes down for naps really easy these days. i put him down and goes to sleep on his own with minimal if any fussing. but at night? totally different story! were any of your kids like that?

  4. To be honest, I don't remember very well. Must be the lack of sleep at the time! I know we did (and still do) a pretty regular routine before bedtime, but I imagine you do that already.

    It's always two steps forward, one step back. Never perfect or smooth but still moving in the right direction.
