Apparently, babies have different stages of sleep in the womb. Sometimes I feel him pushing on one side of my belly (usually the right). It feels like he's stretching or something. Supposedly, babies tend to stretch when they're in "light sleep." They're fully awake when they kick a lot and then sometimes there's random little kicks when the baby is in REM. Amazing, huh?
Recently, he's up around 8 or 8:30am and kicks like crazy. Luckily, I've been getting up earlier and am less tired so this hasn't been an issue. This morning I was just lying there, awake but not wanting to get out of bed yet, and it seriously felt like Michael Flatley Lord of the Dance was in there. Clearly, the baby wanted me to get up!
But back to the talking. Sometimes I tell the baby what we're going to do or what we're doing. I always tell him good job when he kicks (this is so silly, but I can't help myself) and I tell him where daddy is and what he's up to. Brian talks to the baby every night before bed. And in the last few weeks, he's taken to saying goodbye to the baby in the morning before leaving for work. It's pretty cute. :) (I'll bet he'll be mad that I posted that though)
The baby seems to like music too. He kicks when there's music on tv or when I'm on the computer listening to itunes. I haven't tried the repetitive thing -- playing the same song over and over or reading the same story. They say if you do that the baby will be soothed by that same song or story when he's born. Maybe I'll try that with a cd I really like so I don't have to listen to kiddie music all day long. ;)
There's not doubt about it though, baby can definitely hear what's going on!
Once the baby is born he'll recognize Mommy and Daddy's voices. It's one of the reasons he is soothed most easily by his parents.
ReplyDeleteSo it really comes in handy!
i sure hope so! as long as the baby doesn't come out mubbling like his daddy. ;)