Tuesday, May 12, 2009

baby's first hike

On Mother's Day, daddy, mommy, aunty Coco and uncle Casey took baby on his first hike. ;) Admittedly, I was a little worried about how "easy" this hike would be. But I was assured that it wasn't difficult and I felt better when I saw little 5-year-old girls on the trail with their parents. They didn't necessarily seem to be happy about hiking but hey, if they could do it, I could pull this off.

Luckily the Kamikakus were prepared for anything and their kick-ass gear got me through the trek.

Hiking poles were clutch. It took the strain off of my legs and especially my groin since the damn round ligament pain is here to stay. Toward the top of the 2 mile hike, there was some snow so Coco gave me these contraptions for my shoes -- like tire chains for your car but for your feet. Love them!!

Granted, I felt like a broken down car through most of the hike, but the weather was nice and the end of the the trail made for great photos.

All in all, two very enthusiastic thumbs up, fine family fun! ;)


  1. Is this awesomeness close to where you guys live? If so I am totally moving to Washington! I love hiking, and that looks like a great one. Tell B I said hi.

  2. not too far. granite falls...a little over an hour drive. there's actually some really nice hikes here. you'd prob love it!
