Thursday, May 14, 2009

david beckam in the making!

Brian may be disappointed. This little guy may just forgo baseball and head straight to soccer. If the crazy kicks I'm feeling is any indication, we may have a future DBeck on our hands!

I love feeling the baby kick. It's hard enough now that Brian (and others!) can feel him too. I feel him throughout the day but he's especially active at night, around 10pm. We're a bit worried that he's a night owl which could make for unhappy, sleep deprived parents. We shall see.

Whenever the baby kicks a lot, I tell him, "Good job!" For some reason, that seems like an appropriate response. He likes to kick mostly on the right side. Recently, I've started to feel him kick the middle of my belly (like first thing this morning) but rarely does he kick on the left.

I think this is my favorite part of pregnancy so far. :)

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