Man, do I want this TROFAST storage unit from Ikea! Cam doesn't need it quite yet, but in a few months he probably will. I want this thing BAD. I like the three levels and the fact that the bins pull out like drawers. I also like the colored bins
this lady has. And love the different sizes of bins! Altho, I'd prob just get one unit, not two like hers.

The labeling she did is pretty darn smart too!

Trying to see if I can order it online (for later) but so far there's a glitch on the Ikea website and I can't see if it's possible. (It's kinda looking like an in-store purchase only. Boo!!) Shipping would be a b*tch too.
But where there's a will, there's a way, right?! hehe. :P
I wanted this too!! If you ever find a way to get it here, let me know! I still want it!!!