Tuesday, December 29, 2009

like sands through the hourglass, these are the days of our lives...

Right now, Brian is out galavanting somewhere on his "boys night out" doing who knows what. And meanwhile, I'm here with time on my hands, which is why I've posted like 4 blog posts in the last hour. I probably should be cleaning up the house, or even better, sleeping! But instead, here I am putting up cute photos and videos of my little man. :)

But there's much more to our lives these days than smiling at Cam's cuteness (although that does take up a good chunk of our time). Most of our days are spent coordinating the last part of our move, selling stuff on craiglist, scheduling our carpet cleaning, finding a food bank to pick up stuff from our pantry that we never used, organizing the rest of our crap to donate somewhere, closing up our utilities and other bills...the list is endless! We're living out of our suitcases and we have like 5 forks, 5 spoons and 4 plates in the kitchen. And oh yeah, there's that small thing of taking care of a 3-month old and still getting up at 1am and 6am for feedings.

It's definitely a stressful time. Add in our emotions around leaving Seattle and the result is heightened emotions all around. Brian and I have been arguing more these days mainly because we're both stressed and are handling the move in different ways. Just today I started to get sad about leaving. It's only a week away and it finally seems real. Don't get me wrong, there are positives to moving home and I'm excited about it, but I'm going to miss my friends up here as well as our house and the lifestyle we've become accustomed to.

All the while, Cam continues to grow and learn new things! He LOVES to stand up. That's his number one favorite thing. He kicks and stretches his legs out, fusses a bit and then when you stand him up, voila! All smiles. His second favorite thing is to roll over. And recently, I've noticed he's much more interested in colors and patterns. He stares at his burp cloth that has red, blue, and yellow cars on it. He also likes to look at the pictures on the fridge. And just in the last couple of days, I've started to try and sing him to sleep (both for naps and before putting him down) and he just loves it! I used to sing to him when he was younger and he wasn't so into it. The white noise worked better. But now, he just looks at me, calms down and eventually shuts his eyes and goes to sleep. How I love that.

I try my best to spend just as much time interacting with him as I have in the past, but being so busy, it's been tough. I think we're doing a pretty good job but I'm sure he must feel some of the stress from us. Then I feel guilty about that which stresses me out more! Not to mention my anxiety around having a 3-month old on a 5 1/2 hour flight to Hawaii. Please oh please let Camden handle the flight okay. I just envision him overtired and screaming his head off for half the flight. But that will be what it will be, so we just have to wait and see.

Anyway, that's a glimpse into our lives these days. Moving with a 3-month old. I don't recommend it.

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