Monday, December 7, 2009

where did the itsy bitsy spider go? UP!

Weeks ago I started singing Itsy Bitsy Spider to Camden. (I'm on a constant search for new songs and nursery rhymes to sing. Ideas are welcome). He always seemed to like the song, probably because there are hand motions that go along with it. But the other day, he started tracking my hands up during certain parts! Unbelievably cute, in my unbiased opinion, of course. My boy is growing and learning so fast! He's a genius, I tell you. Genius. ;)


  1. I think Camden was shaking his head at the end of the video. I'm pretty sure this is what he was thinking...... Damn, I know Kube and Kiss play the same songs over and over again.... But this long haired chick just sang this song 3 times in a row.

  2. oh yeah... and his second thought was... Why is the short stumpy one watching the game so loud when I'm trying to listen to this lady sing.... come on buddy! get with the program.

  3. hahahah!! right? and he's also thinking, why the heck is this chick saying "yaaay!!!" after each time she sings this song?
