On Friday, we went to Brian's work holiday kiddie gathering. They have it every year but this is the first year we've gone. Didn't interest us before having Camden. There are a TON of office babies now, kids running all over the place! Camden was totally chill and subdued through it all. He got fussy just when we leaving but that's it. He went to Santa, no problem and really could care less about it all. What a good boy. :)
On Sunday, it was our 3rd annual cookie day! The girls bake, the boys hang out and it's always a blast. Unfortunately, I forgot how much work it is. I usually make a holiday cocktail for the girls to enjoy while baking and I like to have a nice set up with a holiday feel. But this year, none of that really came together. With Camden, things were more haphazard. I was only able to make 2 out of my 4 planned cookies (Kainoa helped to get a 3rd one done -- thanks, Kainoa!), my cocktail took FOREVER to make cause I didn't read the directions close enough, plus it needed more bubbly which I didn't have. The punch turned out just okay.
The entire time, I felt so disorganized and pulled in too many directions. I wanted to bake my cookies, be a good host and have a good time like I have years prior, but I had one eye and ear on Camden the whole time. Even if Brian was "manning" the baby, I felt the need to make sure he was okay. Part of that is just mommy guilt, another part was of course wanting to be with Camden, and yet another part was mommy wanting daddy to do things the way mommy does it. This is a constant struggle! I need to let Brian parent his way, but it's so hard sometimes. Brian's a great dad, but men in general let babies cry longer and don't anticipate as much as women, I think. So, I end up trying to think a step ahead -- he's gonna be hungry soon, or need a nap, etc -- trying to meet Cam's needs before he becomes OVER tired and has a fit.
So, I had a mini meltdown with Brian upstairs and then had to have a couple cocktails to take the edge off. But even with that, it's impossible for me to let myself loose with Cam around. I just can't do it. I made an effort though and did have some champagne punch to try and retrieve some part of holiday cheer. I'd say I was somewhat successful.
In the end, cookie day turned out alright. Everyone seemed to have a good time, although it's hard to tell what the boys thought through their cloud of drunkeness! I'm still not quite clear on how cookie day became "drinking day" for the boys. Haha.
Anyway, here's some pics from the festivities:
the beginning of the end...lol
bake, bake, bake!
daddy duty
the final products
I'm gonna miss cookie day with you girls!
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