Sunday, October 24, 2010

insomnia=more camden updates

Brian's snoring away and I can't sleep. Blogging it is. But, I'm too lazy to upload new photos of Camden at 11:00 at night. Boring, random bullet points are all I can muster.
  • Cam now consistently says two words: mama and nana (for banana). He loves those nanas, I tell you. And even asks for them!

  • His animal sounds have expanded in the last week to now include "ga ga" for turkey (gobble gobble) and "rrrrrr" for lion. He really growls when you ask him what a lion says. It's awesome. I think I need to see if I can get him to do all of his animal noises on camera.

  • Without trying I somehow taught him to understand that mommy's the boss. In the last month, if Cam would do something I didn't like I'd say, "Who's the boss? Mommy!" in a very fun, excited tone. He thought it was funny every time I said it and would laugh. It became a game. I hadn't said it for awhile and then the other day I said aloud, "Who's the boss?" and Cam said, "Mama!"

    Agh!! This is obviously my new FAVORITE Camden trick. Now, at random times during the day I'll ask him the question just to hear him say that I'm the boss. It's better than making your kid go to the grocery store for you.
So good, in fact that I will put aside my laziness and upload the video of him saying it. So, here you go. Enjoy and goodnight!