Friday, August 13, 2010

high chair hilarity

Idk why, but Camden LOVES to perform in his highchair. I'll be feeding him and he'll bust out all his tricks, one after the other. I indulge him because keeping him entertained makes feeding time a more pleasant experience for mommy. If not, this kid will squirm around, clamp his mouth shut and if he wasn't strapped in, he'd probably try to jump out of his chair. Boys.

Anyway, he's done some really cute things over the last few weeks! Check it out.

Stick out your tongue!

Now, click your tongue. He randomly started doing this in his car seat one day. We used to do it and show him cause he liked the sound. But I really haven't done it in months and then all of a sudden...this!

Dada Dada Dada. ALL DAY LONG.

Wipe, wipe! This one is just from today. It cracked me up cause you just never know what your kid is absorbing. After every meal, I wipe Camden's tray down before taking him out. Usually when I'm feeding him, he grabs the wash cloth but up until today he'd just play with it, throw it on the ground, put it in his mouth. But this morning, he starting wiping the tray with it just like mommy! hahaha! My little helper.

And then...the best for last! I heart this video.

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