Thursday, January 21, 2010

Camden updates

Since leaving Seattle, Camden has...

1. Found his feet! Now that it's 80 degrees every day he's barefoot practically 24-7. On the car ride home from the airport, I swear he stared at his feet like, "Hey, those things are always there!" Now, he grabs his feet all the time and enjoys that they're free.

2. Learned to roll over from back to front. He doesn't do it often but I know he can since I find him on his tummy in the middle of the night. A couple times, still swaddled! Scary, I tell you.

3. Thrown up all over me and the sofa. I was feeding him one night and after he took down 5 oz, he choked on his spit (which he does quite often), and started coughing. I made the mistake of lifting him up to burp him and out came a stream of milk!! I don't mean just spit up. I mean a thick, projectile milk waterfall. Ah, the joys of mommyhood.

4. Been out and about! We took him to Costco, Target, Wal-mart, Pearlridge mall, and various friends and relatives homes. No beach yet but he'll get there someday for sure.

5. Upgraded to 6 month outfits. This kid is a serious chunker and couldn't be happier about it!

6. Heard grandma sing Momotaro san and Chi Chi Papa like 50 times. He loves it though!

7. Gotten over Patty Cake and now thinks Itsy Bitsy Spider is hilarious. If only I knew what he was thinking when he laughs at these songs.

8. Decided tummy time sucks but mommy keeps making him do it. Just in the last couple of days he seems to want to crawl! Or so I think...

9. Been taking naps in his pack and play during the day. I decided he needed to learn to nap without being held and after a couple of times he took to it quickly. Only thing is, he'll only sleep swaddled. I tried putting him down unswaddled but he only stays down like that for a half hour or so. He's not quite ready for the unswaddling yet but him napping on his own gives me time to nap myself, do laundry, wash bottles etc without him attached to me. And that's a great thing now that he's 14+ pounds!

10. Decided he loves it when we sing him to sleep. Water faucet is no more! Singing gets the job done. Even when daddy "sings." ;)

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