Monday, August 10, 2009

5 weeks and counting

Can't believe I have only 5 weeks left. Baby will be here in no time!

We're still trying to get the room ready...making progress slowly. Went to BRU yesterday to return a few duplicate items (we got 2 bjorns, 2 monitors, 2 of the same swaddle blankets -- although those weren't BRU items. And we might just keep both, we'll see). Used the credit, plus gift cards (thanks aunty and Kimi!) to buy some essential items: bassinet, changing pad, hangers and our sherman rocker!

I LOVE that chair. For whatever reason, it is crazy comfortable. Especially when you rock in it. Even the ottoman rocks back and forth. So great. Brian put it together yesterday. It's currently in our living room cause we're going to enjoy it for a few days before he brings it upstairs. It's THAT comfy.

My to do list is a bit long and the closer we get to baby, the more I know I need to get through the list. The dilemma is that the bigger my belly gets, the lazier I am. This does not make for a good combination. Tasks yet to be done include:
  • Decorating the baby room. Some of the decorations we registered for are coming in the mail (so I've been told by people who bought it for us) so once that gets here I'll try to make the room a little prettier.
  • Need to also get a nice blue/green or something rug to give the room some color.
  • Find a lamp for the room. This has proven to be difficult to find for some reason.
  • Need to make a costco run to buy diapers and wipes at some point.
  • Brian needs to install the car seat. It's already put together though so it'll take him all of 5 minutes to put it in the car. I want to wait a bit on this one cause it'll just sit there an collect dust if we put it in. I hate dust.
  • I've been trying to wash all the blankets and sheets and clothes that we'll use immediately so the baby has clean stuff. It's funny, when I buy clothes for myself I never wash it before the first use. But for the baby, it's like he's brand new and a clean slate so I don't want to tarnish him with unwashed wear...who knows where those things have been?
  • Baby needs more clothes! I have a whole box full of stuff that Karis gave me awhile back. I need to go through that and see what I can use. Then it's time to shop, if need be! =)
  • Need to buy a cute "coming home" outfit for the little guy.
  • Must pack our bag for the hospital.
  • Apparently, I need to put together a phone tree of who's calling whom when I go into labor and when baby gets here. Both Joanne and Colleen have given me crap about this. I didn't realize this was a big deal but I guess it is! It's nice that they care enough to want to know "what their role is," as they've told (read: scolded) me.
  • Working on writing thank you notes from our shower. Problem with this is carpal tunnel is a common pregnancy symptom and my forearm hurts after 15 minutes of writing thank you notes. Needless to say, this may take me awhile.
Not to mention that around Sept 1 I'm sure I will be on a rampage to clean every inch of this house! Brian will definitely be helping out with that one. He's been really great, actually. He helps me clean every weekend cause it's hard for me to vacuum and stuff these days. What a good hubby. :)

Then there's the whole "we only have 5 weeks left without baby...forever!" So, I've told Brian he is not allowed to work any weekends from now until baby gets here. We have stuff to do but we also just need to spend some time together. We're fully aware of how much our lives will change and know that time alone will be much harder to come by. We need to enjoy it while we can!

And the countdown continues...


  1. Wow, I'm getting stressed out just reading this. Let me know if you need any help. Karis

  2. haha. i know, but this list helped me to get my butt in gear. i think i'm gonna go through those baby clothes today. what of the other stuff did you want back? i know you want the maternity clothes...anything else? i may have to call you later...hope you had a fun vacay!
