Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Baby B's shower

This past Sat was little Baby B's shower! Perfect day -- sunny but not too hot, cool breeze. Gorgeous! Richmond Beach Park is such a pretty, almost hidden little beach. Great location for the kiddies cause they could wander around and play. I think it may have been a little too hot for some of them, but it's summer in Seattle! Might as well be outdoors. :)

Brian and I enjoyed making our rounds of the tables, talking story and hanging out with everyone. Food was yummy and games were fun. We had a great time!

Here's some pics from the day:

how cute are the treats?

someone tell me what those leaf things are called please. they are good!

thanks, ladies!

my waddle buddy, rae. :)

i heart my hula sisters



cute, cute kiddies

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