I know I can only be the best mom I can be. And I know I will make mistakes -- nobody's perfect. But every action, every word, everything you say, do or even don't say or do throughout your child's life will have a huge, lasting impact. The grand design of things is that you, in large part, shape your child into who they become. While Camden's canvas is "blank" (for lack of a better word) at the moment, soon it will be colored with bright, happy memories mixed with dark, troubling ones. That's a very scary thought. So, it makes me wonder...what balance of colors will decorate Cam's canvas when he's an adult? Just HOW much am I going to inevitably screw up my child?
I don't think they're as blank as all that. When you have multiple children you notice that while you are doing the same parenting, it is producing VERY different results. So you can let yourself off the hook for about half of the painting. :)
ReplyDeletetrue. so it will only be half my fault. ;)