Sunday, April 25, 2010

a movie alone sounds like a vacation.

Before being a mommy, I enjoyed being alone at times. Shopping, watching tv, reading...sometimes I just needed quiet "me" time. But I was never one who could eat at a restaurant alone or go to a movie by myself. But now that I'm a mom, those things sound like awesome ideas. I now know why "old" people (as I saw them when I was younger) like to do these kinds of things. My friend's dad would always go to movies alone and I remember thinking how strange that was. But now, I completely understand.

This morning, I went to Longs to buy something for Brian. My plan was to also make a stop at Starbucks for a coffee treat. In the past, I wouldn't think anything of this short trip out. I might have even been bummed that I had to go and run an errand. But today? It felt like a mini vacation!

I consciously enjoyed EVERY MINUTE of being out, by myself, without baby or husband. I went to Longs, bought what Brian needed and then took a short walk to Starbucks. While walking, I literally thought to myself, "Appreciate this time to yourself! Enjoy walking alone in the sunshine to grab a cup of coffee."

Isn't that funny? I think as a parent, you give so much to your child that there's almost nothing left for you. So when you're able to find those little moments to yourself, you revel in them.

I will SO be that "old" woman who goes to movies alone on the weekends. Bring it on.


  1. I totally agree. I'm going on a trip this Fall for a female cousins/aunts reunion and I'm really looking forward to the plane trip all alone. I even may have to hang out in the airport for a few hours before I get picked up. Bliss.

  2. Haha! I totally understand where you're coming from. I went to Costco by myself the other day and felt the same exact way!! Let me know how the movie thing goes...I haven't ever given that a try.

  3. ese, that sounds like HEAVEN. and i thoroughly dislike airplanes.

    dari...air con, candy, cushy seats and escapism for 2 whole hours!! i can't wait to give it shot. :)

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