On the one hand I'm kinda glad that I'm experiencing an actual pregnancy symptom like I'm supposed to. Part of me wondered if something was wrong with me cause I haven't felt all that different. Like, is the baby not growing properly cause I'm not having the symptoms? On the other hand, headaches and dizziness? Not really fun stuff.
Usually, I just try to sleep it off or I make Brian massage my temples. Sometimes I really want to take some tylenol, but I've resisted. With my long list of things I shouldn't have, I figure I'm negating my "good behavior" if I take an actual pill.
I just hope this is solely a week 12 downer that will magically disappear at week 13.
See a chiropractor! I dissed them for years after an experience with one far more interested in billing than explanations. Then a recurring headache (mostly Mondays and most severe during the swamp years) drove me back (no pun intended.) Non-invasive, no baby-threat and good to have done before your body stretches muscles and tendons in ways never before imagined.
good idea! if these persist, i'll def have to figure something out. :) thanks!