Anyway, here's a quick download of a few things about E so I don't feel so guilty about my non-documentation. In no particular order, here's what's going on with our little girl at 4.5 months!
1. She SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT. Did you hear that? 12 hours straight! Sometimes 13!! Started doing this at 2.5 months! C never did that. Still doesn't! The longest he does is 11 hours and these days that's rare. This girl loooves to sleep. She'll go down usually around 6:30p and wake up around 7-7:30. Then she'll take 3 naps during the day and can't stay awake more than 1 1/2 hours in between most of the time. Sleeper! :) In the last week I've noticed she's having longer stretches in the day between naps but I'm hoping her night sleeping won't change. Ever.
2. She is so smiley! Really, she is. She will pretty much smile at everyone she sees. She's probably just super happy cause she sleeps so darn much. Who wouldn't be?
3. She's really alert. I know, every parent probably says that about their kid. But I swear, it's true. C's a smart kid and was alert as a baby too. But this girl seems to really understand what's going on at a much younger age than C. When we read her books, she seems to truly be taking it in. Goodnight Moon is her absolute favorite! She pays more attention to the tv than C did at this age (scary!! and a bummer cause it means mommy can't watch tv when she's awake). And sometimes I really think she's trying to say real words like "hi" and "mama" vs just sounds. Maybe I'm just being your typical "my kid's a genius" mom; likely that's the case. Still, worth noting though.
4. She's very rashy. :( C was rashy until about 3 months and then it cleared up. Hers is much worse -- on her face, inner elbows and behind her knees. Some of it is heat rash but I think most of it has to do with my diet. She's on more breastmilk than C was and his really cleared up when he was off it. Hoping she's not an allergy baby like her daddy! We got lucky with C and he's not allergic to anything thus far. Only time will tell.
5. She loves music. Much like her brother, E seem to love, love music! She gets really smiley and excited when she hears a song she likes. Interestingly, she likes "regular" songs that mommy sings off of the radio more than baby songs like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Not sure what to make of that, but as long as she's into music, I'd say that's a good thing.
6. She puts herself to sleep. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. From when she was only a couple of months old we started noticing that when we tried to soothe or help her to sleep, sometimes it just made it worse. So we let her figure it out and after a few minutes of fussing, she'd put herself to sleep! To this day as long as you get her down early enough, we can literally put her in her crib wide awake and she will go to sleep usually without any crying. We are amazed and so grateful! (Please E, do not change!)
7. She loves, loves her brother. As much as she recognizes my voice from her time in the womb, I am convinced that is true for C's voice as well. After all, his head and little voice was right by my belly during my entire pregnancy. She gets so happy whenever C is around! She lights up like he's the best thing in her life next to milk, maybe better. Heart.
My perfect girl. Completes our family and we love her so much. sleep jackpot!!!!!!