Friday, March 18, 2011

new words!

yes, i'm a blogging fiend today. trying to make up for my MONTHS of neglect on this thing. so, new words camden says:

WOW (yes, caps are necessary here)
no (i've only heard it a couple times, which i think is a good thing!)
yes (sounds more like "yeah" but he's trying)

and ones you have to decipher:

doh-da = toy story
rhy-sh = raisin
coco = uncle

it'll be great when he starts saying crazy sentences like "mama, coco no doh-da. rhy-sh?"

veggie tales

i'm trying my best to get cam to eat more vegetables. he's not having it. i've been making him these cheese broccoli bites that tastes more like cheese than broccoli so that's the only thing he'll eat that's not a meat, starch or fruit.

one of my baby hui mommy friends suggested putting zucchini in muffins. genius! so, i found this zucchini orange muffin recipe that's awesome. cam loves it and yay! a new veggie. i also decided to finally try and make sweet potato fries since cam won't just eat potatoes on his own. found this recipe for it and he loves that too! two for two. i'm on a roll :)

emi and camden

took camden and his cousin, emi to the playground today. they both just loved it and cam was even mad when it was time to leave. it's so great to see them play together. now that camden's a little older, i think emi sees him more as a playmate than a nuisance. haha. she really takes care of him like a big sister and it's so cute. i can't wait til cam starts talking. that's when the fun between the two of them will really begin. i can just see it now..."no, that's MY toy!" ... "no, mine! i had it first!" ... "moooommy!!!" heart.

here's some pics from their time together today. no doubt, camden loves his cousin!

more of 'how cute is my son'

he's very into sitting in his toy bin at the moment.

my lunch date.


can you guess where i am? :)

sick, sick, sick.

march has been a rough month. camden got sick at the beginning of the month, followed closely by me coming down with a nasty cold that is STILL lingering. camden's illness started with conjunctivitus. he had mucus coming out of his eyes but they never did get pink. but i took him to the doc to get eye drops and then disinfected practically everything he touched. putting eye drops in his eyes was a blast, btw. camden would shut his eyes as tight as possible, thrash around and turn his head from side to side so it's pretty much impossible to get a drop in. the first few times i held his arms and legs down with my legs and then tried to pry an eye open and quickly get a drop in. mind you, all the while camden is crying bloody murder. our neighbors probably thought i was abusing him. the doc said to give him the drops 4 times a day at a minimum. what??? you gotta be kidding me. i then opted for just putting a couple drops on his eyelids and just hoped some of the medicine would somehow get in his eyes. seemed to worked cause the mucus stopped. but then his congestion, fever and cough kicked in so that led to sleepless nights on all fronts. it seriously was like having a newborn back in the house! let's also not forget that i am now sick with crazy congestion and a killer cough. not sleeping then gave me the worst sore throat ever, prompting me to go to the doctor myself. he gave me antibiotics which were like a gift from the heavens. they made things better but 2 weeks later and my sore throat is returning! die, superbug, die!!

camden, thank goodness, is better. his fever broke after a few days of fighting him to take his tylenol drops (what else is new?) but then the hives set it. yes, that's right...hives. he'd break out in hives after his afternoon nap every day for 4 days straight. the doctor said some viruses just have hives attached to them and there's nothing you can do but ride it out. poor camden. :( here he is sick, wanting to do nothing but watch elmo all day long. he was a trooper though and is now back to his usual, happy self.

but mommy and baby sick at the same time? definitely not a fan.