Wednesday, February 16, 2011

camden's first crush

the cutest thing happened today. we were at kahala mall to meet the lady who makes these awesome it's mine baby blankets and after cam devoured some sweet potato fries at the counter, he was running around the mall having a blast.

that's when cupid struck. a cute little girl a little older than cam walked by with her mommy and twin brother. at first, i didn't realize that cam had fixated on her. we were walking in the direction of our car but when the little girl turned left, cam went after her. it wasn't until i called after him 10 times telling him he's going in the wrong direction did i figure out that he was walking with purpose. the little girl was a good distance away when the light finally went off in my head.

"cam, do you want to play with that little girl?" i asked.

he nodded vigorously.

"oh, well she's far away. wave bye to her," i said.

he immediately waved in her direction. now when i ask cam to wave at people, it's a crap shoot whether or not he complies. he usually does it for people he knows, but strangers? usually not. that's when i knew he really liked her!

the girl was outside of cpk with her mom and brother. they were looking at a menu and i felt bad for cam that he really wanted to go see her. plus, i was intrigued by this whole thing and wanted to see what he'd do. so i told him, "okay, well she's standing outside the restaurant so if you want to go see her, you can."

he practically RAN over to her. SO CUTE!!

i walked a little behind him as we approached the family just to see if cam would really go right up to the girl. he slowed as he reached them but definitely walked up to her and stopped about 2 feet away.

i told the mom that he really wanted to play with her and she and i chatted for a bit. her kids were twins, 23 months old. the little girl's name was sadie.

camden stood by her but not too close, suddenly shy as i told him to say hi to sadie. after a few minutes i said, "okay, well we gotta go. want to give her a high five?"

he went to do so but sadie wasn't interested. poor camden!

i took his hand and tried to pull him away back toward our car. he protested by whining. i told him we had to go and to wave bye to sadie. he protested again. finally, i had to pick him up and carry him away as he waved goodbye over my shoulder.

halfway down the hallway back to the car, he squirmed and wanted to be put down so i plopped him on his feet. and you'll never guess what he did! he laid himself on the carpet of kahala mall because he did not want to leave!! he literally lay there on his back looking up at me. i have NEVER seen him do this and i must say, it was so sweet because i knew it was for sadie.

i had to distract him with my camera and carry him all the way back to the car just so we could get out of the mall. my little man's first crush! cutest. thing. EVER.

who knows? maybe soulmates are real. and if he ends up marrying a girl named sadie, there will be no denying it.